I keep coming back to it it’s just overall really fun
I keep coming back to it it’s just overall really fun
It epic
Played years ago ad thought I’d try it again. Turns out that the reason I quit in the first place was because of how difficult it is to pull top tier players. Things don’t appear to have changed. Sad thing is I really want to play this but it way to frustrating.
It’s Com2Us so it’s a pretty big pay game. Since it has been out for such a long time they have a lot of good catch up events that allow you to put together a really solid team fast. Worth playing IMO, just be warned that it can be painfully grindy to be f2p.
Sadly, I had to make a new account. But this game is nostalgic. It had some potential in it, but I feel like it still is a bit to boring at times. I don’t know what you should add, but if you add something new and interesting it could definitely have potential to be a great game. (Edit: 6 months after original review): I actually did not know they stopped updating this game a while ago, that is so upsetting! I want to thank all the Soccer Spirits devs for giving us an amazing game over the years. I am upset I don’t have my old account, but this game was the only one of its kind that I stuck with for over a year. I wish Com2Us the best in the future!
Cards game with lots of mix element. Fun with great arts and music.
I started playing this game 7 years ago, and Soccer Spirits was the only gacha game that I ended up sticking to for the entirety of that time. Sadly, as the game no longer receives updates and balance patches, the player base comprises of just a few loyal players of the game. I ended up uninstalling the game soon after the news broke in August that the game would no longer be maintained by the development team of BB. Even so, I’d like to express my appreciation over the years for Soccer Spirits and the immense amount of work that went into its multiple attempted revival updates and content. It’s unfortunate that the game wasn’t able to gain popularity even through all these changes, but as people say, all good things have to come to an end. That being said, if you want to still play Soccer Spirits I think it’s a really fun game and is worth giving a try.
Y’all know you all have another game dev using y’all’s assets to promote their game? Game in question is “fate commander fighting”
First things first, I love Soccer Spirits. I first played it when I was a freshman in highschool, which was about 6 years ago. I haven’t played it in quite a while and I would love to get back into it. I stopped playing because of how confusing it was to get used to character changes. These changes would lead to meta changes or some players not knowing which characters are relevant or not with each nerf or buff. I think adding a character rating system would fix this. I propose updating the forums to allow players to rate characters from a scale of 1 to 5, which would then lead to their average ratings. Whenever a character is balanced, nerfed, or buffed, we should be able to update these ratings or go to a balanced section for each character to start anew to see how the balances compare to the past versions. Also, the same should go for stone builds. I often found that most of the popular stone builds for characters were for previous versions of the game, before the stats of the characters and stones were balanced, nerfed, etc. I hope you guys would consider this idea, because I think it’d be a great help to all players, including new players and returning ones like myself.
I just came back, and it’s now ending, feels bad.
The game need more options for player to get strong after playing for some time it get so repetitive it start to get boring at a time I only login for the login bonus pls we need something new
This game is kind of fun, yes there are times where it can get boring but what game doesn’t have that? I was at a decent point where I had a great amount of legendary players and an awesome team setup, but now with this recent update it won’t let me back in the game at all; all of that hard work down the drain. Really disappointing because I put a good amount of time and effort into the game. Other people have apparently had similar issues with this game as well, so it’s issues continue to arise, I just hope the game developers will fix these ongoing errors soon.
As an old player, I have been stopping and going when it comes to this game. If we could bring back the Basic->Evo->EE system in a simpler way (maybe as two stages of development instead of 3) like Basic->Next stage with new artwork; this would really get us players pumped back up again, with a lot more excitement and pleasurable gameplay experience. At the current state of this game, there has been a missing point of challenge in the game due to the withdrawal of the old Basic->Evo->EE type of development for the characters in the game. An easy improvement that could be done right now to the game (for better rerolling experience) would be to make each beginners draw (during the tutorial) have a guaranteed random Legend player rather than having just one of ten selected players as the guaranteed factor of the draw.
Honestly, the game dynamics changed too much for me to enjoy anymore. The grinding for crystals was so fun. Now it’s easier in every aspect. Especially getting L players. AND the team I spent about 6 years building got lost somehow during the giant update. Broke my heart.
I just lost five years worth of hard work. Majority of my legendaries are gone, my gems and coins, basically everything and I’m super upset. Please is there a way to fix it so I can get everything back?? I love this game but I don’t wanna restart everything..
The game is great, the collection aspect with the rework is superb, the rates of legendaries have been fixed, and the game is better then it ever has been with new characters and stones there’s a lot of strategic options. But the game has a very small player base. Mostly Korea has a lot of players and I believe they are single handily keeping the game afloat. Does this make the game bad? Well kinda. If you’re looking for a big mmo kind of feel you won’t get it here. There’s still a decent amount of people playing the live matches and the game gets updated regularly, it just needs people like YOU reading this review to join and at least try it out. Who knows, maybe you’ll really like it too.
Remember how good the game is. Great improvements from the last time I played.
This game crashes on me a lot on iPhone 6, I’ve played it for years and don’t want to lose out on it after all this time
Been playing this game since 2016 and it’s still a fun mobile a game for anime/soccer fans. It’s not too late to try it.
Just lost 982 dimension stones because I didn’t see the in game notice. The store itself just seemed to imply it was resetting. Was I supplied with a default currency for not using them? Nope. Just plain erased from my account. All my previous hard work down the drain for nothing. Thanks guys, returning player now leaving, probably permanently.
Is beyond Awesome!!!
Very beginner friendly and fun to play. Lots of quality of life features; I hope there’s more of it.
I love this game
I have played this game off and on for years. Just recently came back and like a lot of the changes so far. Still figuring out how much is different and enjoying the new ui
I love gacha games and this is one of the most F2P friendly games I’ve played. Of course there are those purchases that’ll help speed up your progress and let you roll more but honestly if you have time you can be just as good as the others. Don’t necessarily need legends to have a decent team. Also a lot of the main money purchases are just skins.
Really good game with great art and unique game style
So I bought this skin and it keeps saying payment error plz help me with plz read it.
Before...I’m just gonna say it the game was SUPER pay to win. I felt like if I didn’t shove 10-50 bucks a month into this game I got darn near nothing. The rates were also...oh by the rates. The rates were grand summoners bad. That’s saying something. After this rework however...the rates got a GIANT boost. Not too big. I get a legendary every seven to fifteen summons, with tickets and crystals I get for PLAYING THE GAME. MORE OF THIS. MORE EVENTS THAT SUPPORT F2P PLAYERS PLEASE. Paying for things should feel optional instead of required in order to beat the mega sized white guardenia. This update is perfect in almost every way. The animations are great the transitions are great, the menu music was already great but now the new menus fit it even more. One thing I don’t like is the upgrade system. The max level upgrade system is alright for the most part, but the fact it’s limited by each day and you can only get a few per day makes it feel like it’s extremely limited not by the stamina you have but by the entrance limit. It can be a week before I limit break my level 60 character. One of the many many characters featured in this game. Too many characters, too low of a limit.
Love this game. Came back after several years. But cant play on my phone, using ipx. It keep say need update game but nothing to update. Can play on ipad tho.. hope next update fix this.
I love this game been playing for years I stopped a bit then got back into it but all my crystals disappeared after the new big update? Can I get them back or was this for everyone?
I really like this game. When I get bored, I can play this game. This game is very good but I also wish that this game was an anime. If the was an anime, I think people will like it very much. This is because the animations for each seasons of the game is so good. When I watched the trailer, I though it was an anime show, but it turned out to be a game. I was kinda sad because the animation was so good.
this game is poggers
Played this game when I was younger glad to see that this game is back and looking better than ever
Well hi! My user is iAngel... well before soccer spirits updated and I lost my account! Oh no! And I’m wondering how to get it back please help if you do...
Im on global server and I had connection issues now and then especially when doing COD. The issues are not on my end but with the server itself.
I’ve been playing this game for a long time and ever since the new update for some reason the game logged me out of my previous account; now I can’t log in and made me start a new game. Can someone help me fix this problem.
Need more L spirals
Pretty good game with really cool art
Good game lots of interesting aspects.
I love the story mode! The tutorial is helpful when you first start. The art and the characters look amazing.
Amazing graphics and animations, after the brand new 6th anniversary update it was a little rough I couldn’t get past the choosing screen for the player, after I got past that everything else was absolutely amazing!! The new draw system and the prize and the rates are wonderful! I do kind of miss the other way the characters were portrayed not using card form, I thought it was unique and set it apart from other rpg games. Then they switched to card players that were beautiful but it kind of took away a unique part of the game. Overall I’d say it’s a lovely game and thoroughly enjoy the great new aspects of it! 🥰☺️😊
Fun gatcha games but game keeps crashing for me when i try to join a club
This game is great, I love all of it. Though it’s confusing and sometimes I just want to look at the characters but that’s not a thing. But I will keep playing it.
Your awesome
I’ve just started playing today, it’s actually pretty fun! The characters are cute and good graphics in the game. Keep up the good work!